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I'm Lesley! I'm a mom to two boys, an EFT/ Tapping practitioner, advanced numerologist, intuitive and elementary school teacher. My family and I live on the west coast of BC, Canada.

After going to university for close to a decade (!!), living overseas, traveling Asia extensively and establishing my teaching career, we moved to the suburbs to start a family.

As I tried to settle into the life I thought I wanted, I found myself in a perpetual state of overwhelm and exhaustion, leading me  to my "fuck this life" moment.

This was the moment that changed everything for me.

I was spread so thin, trying to do everything for everyone and falling short at it all.

I completely hit a wall. 


This is when I started my healing journey. I started hiring coaches, 

stopped living my life to please others and started to live the life I desired.


My journey has introduced me to many powerful healing tools.

Energetic tools are the ones that I have gravitated to because of their

instant and profound healing power I experienced.


My own self-development journey inspired me to start

supporting women and moms on theirs.  

And I'm so thankful I did! I've supporting women with grief, trauma, loss,

divorce, guilt, shame, dreams and desires (to name a few). 


Are you ready to start your journey?

Let's connect

Lesley Fornelli

eft tapping expert

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