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Women's Circles

Gather and connect in community.

A journey home to you.


June 9th,  5:30-7:30pm
Ocean Park Hall $45

The deeper the roots, the higher the branches

An evening just for you!

Leave your worry and stress at the door. Be led in a grounding and rejuvenating experience of Kundalini dance, eft tapping, and meditation. Experience this transformative power yourself.


We are delighted to invite you to a transformative and invigorating evening dedicated to awakening and rebalancing your root chakra through the power of music and dance. 


The root chakra is the foundation of our energy system, governing our sense of security, stability & connection. Connection to Mother Earth, to our own body and in relationship to one another and our community. 


This unique Kundalini dance session (led by Janine) will guide you through gentle movement and breathwork practices designed to energize & harmonize your root chakra. 


What to expect: 

  • guided meditation & breathwork practices

  • EFT tapping, invite in trust and safety 

  • Free flow dance to ground & connect with your inner self.

  • a supportive & nurturing environment. 

  • opportunity for personal reflection & growth. 


What to bring: 

  • comfortable clothing suitable for movement 

  • a water bottle

  • a yoga mat or sheepskin to begin in seated meditation and end in reclined integration 

  • an open heart and mind 

This session offers a safe space to explore and deepen your connection to your body and spirit.

No previous experience is required. 


We look forward to dancing with you & sharing this journey of grounding and renewal.



Women's Circles

These gatherings are for the feral souls, the

wild hearts and the rebels! 

Unearth your inner strength and reconnect with yourself. Slow down, pause and celebrate who you are. Gather with like-hearted women and tune into your true-self. Experience a safe space to let go of the past and set intentions for the present.


Every circle includes:

  • unparalleled Sisterhood (support)

  • EFT/tapping (release),

  • meditation (connect)


Leave the circles trusting more, doubting less, holding  healthy boundaries and be ready to dream bigger than ever before!


Feral Souls Offer:

Women’s empowerment circles

Moon circles 

Couples empowerment sessions

Individual empowerment sessions 

Business branding & empowerment   

Choose your own adventure package


Lesley Fornelli

eft tapping expert

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